After the Storm: Groceries, Giving Back and Supporting Local Businesses in Midtown Houston


First, we want to make sure you’re okay. If you need help, dial 311 inside Houston. Outside Houston, dial 211.

We’ve put together useful resources and advice below that will help you and your family recover, in addition to information on giving back and getting around.

Giving Back

  • St. John’s UMC has opened a donation and distribution center. The priority is supporting senior citizens who have been impacted by the floods. Additionally, it was announced that St. John’s is receiving a financial contribution for hurricane relief from Beyonce and Tina Knowles to serve those in need.
  • Trinity Episcopal Church at 1015 Holman St.is accepting donations. Check with them for updated donation times.
  • Interfaith Ministries is accepting donations via text. Text “Interfaithhelp” to 243725. Their priority is to help home-bound seniors who receive Meals on Wheels and vulnerable populations who will need extra resources after the storm.
  • the breakfast klub is partnering with the Houston-based nonprofit The Diaper Foundation to collect diapers for families impacted by Hurricane Harvey on Saturday, September 2nd. Donations can be made from 9am to 1pm at 3711 Travis St. at Alabama St. The Diaper Foundation helps families acquire diapers, formula and other needs for women and children.
  • YogaOne Studios in Midtown Houston is accepting donations that their volunteers will be distributing to various shelters throughout the city.
  • Axelrad is accepting donations (no clothing) between 12 and 5 pm daily.
  • Catholic Charities is serving as both an information hub and donation point for selected items. Services include referrals for benefits and assistance, gift cards for needs and counseling. Catholic Charities will provide other support services as they are able, but the immediate focus is to assist individuals facing difficulties because of the storm.
  • Mayor Sylvester Turner has launched a Hurricane Relief Fund; more information can be found here.
  • REEF is accepting diapers, formula, and bottled water donations for shelter delivery.
  • Sterling House Houston is hosting a benefit on Saturday, September 3. They are located at 3015 Bagby.
  • Career and Recovery Resources is available to help evacuees become aware of the free employment, substance abuse treatment, deaf and hard of hearing program services they have to offer ongoing.
  • Midtown Kitchen Collective is actively sourcing food donations to use for their own kitchen as well as to support other kitchens doing relief work.
  • MATCH is hosting a Harvey Relief Concert  on Friday, September 8 at  7 pm. All proceeds from the event will go towards the Harvey Relief Funds via Greater Houston Community Foundation and Catholic Charities Houston. Donations will also be accepted at the concert.


  • Randall’s is open from 9am to 5pm. For changes and updates, click here. They are accepting in-store donations for relief efforts.
  • Spec’s is re-stocked with food and beverages, and open during their normal business hours of 10am to 9pm. A percentage of their proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross.
  • Walgreens has resumed regular business hours of 7am and 10pm.


  • Artisans Cuisine & Savoir-faire: open 5pm to 10pm
  • Fluff Bake Bar: open 10am to 8pm
  • Holley’s Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar: open for lunch and dinner with a limited menu
  • Luna y Sol Mexican Grill: open 11am to 9pm
  • Weights + Measures: bakery opens at 8am with pastries and coffee, lunch and dinner service follows
  • Ricos’ Morning + Noon + Night: open 10 am to 12am
  • the breakfast klub: open 8am to 2pm
  • Oporto Fooding House & Wine: open 11am to 11pm

Please note that most restaurants in Midtown are now open as of Saturday, September 2.

Additional Information

  • If you need immediate assistance and are in a life-threatening situation, please call 911.
  • If you experience issues like street light outage, curbside rubbish or debris, report it on our SeeClickFix app. By sending reports via SeeClickFix, you can share with Midtown Houston exactly what is going on in the neighborhood for future planning.
  • As of now, there is a City of Houston curfew between 12am and 5am. Exemptions include flood relief volunteers, people seeking shelter, first responders, and anyone traveling between work and home.
  • To learn about financial assistance available and FEMA services visit: fema.gov/hurricane-harvey or disasterassistance.gov.
  • If your home was impacted by the floods, you can register your damage with FEMA at 1.800.621.3362.
  • The Texas Association of Business has established a hotline to provide resources to business owners affected by the storm. Call 512.637.7714 for more information.
  • To talk to a professional about emotional distress call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1.800.985.5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746.
  • In Harris County call 713.308.8580 to locate your towed car.
  • To report a missing child, call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1.866.908.9570.
  • For basic legal questions call the State Bar of Texas legal hotline at 1.800.504.7030.

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