MMD board committee

cultural arts + entertainment

Look no further than Midtown Houston for your cultural experiences! Designated a Cultural Arts and Entertainment District by the Texas Commission on the Arts, Midtown Houston is home to more than 40 art venues. With this designation, the community was able to harnesses the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization. Various studies have proven the positive economic impact art has in communities. Discover the impact of the arts in Texas here. Read more about the economic impact of arts in Houston here and here. To learn more about Midtown’s impact, check out our Cultural Arts Master Plan here.

The Committee works on several projects, including:

  • Partner with other organizations to create, fund and implement a district-wide Public Arts Master Plan that facilitates a creative thriving environment for the Midtown Houston community.
  • Engage the arts and business communities in collaborative efforts that include events, educational workshops, public art projects and programming, creating arts-based economic growth and community building in Midtown Houston.
  • Leverage the cultural arts designation and visitor impact/attendance to increase awareness of Midtown Houston as a culturally significant destination.
  • Maintain Midtown Houston’s designation by the Texas Commission on the Arts as a Cultural Arts & Entertainment District.
  • Establish a formal review process to recruit, accept, review, and implement temporary and permanent public art and civic art programs.
  • Work collaboratively with the Urban Planning Committee to respond to our residential and business owners’ requests for quality of life enhancements, safety, walkability, navigation, and opportunities for artists
  • Delineate gateways with public art that brand Midtown Houston.

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