Crêpes in Midtown Houston? Oui!

(Photo Courtesy of Coco’s Crepes on Facebook)

Here’s a fun fact: Although crêpes are known as a decidedly French delicacy that has spread throughout central Europe, there are other versions of this dish around the globe. They are enjoyed in Japan, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, and Uruguay, and in Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine, they are known as blintzes.

Don’t think for a moment that you have to fly to France or some other exotic location to find this special treat when you’re suddenly craving it. You needn’t bother packing your beret and passport while there are some excellent choices to be had right here in Midtown Houston.

CoCo Crêpes, Waffles & Coffee, 218 Gray, is one of six locations in the Houston area, with three more restaurants coming soon.  Here, you can choose from wonderful sweet crêpe selections like cheesecake, dulce de leche, crêpe au citron, cinnamon roll, bananas Foster, crème brulee, s’mores crêpes, Nutella, crêpe almandine, white chocolate raspberry, the traditional crêpes Suzette, and more.

Savory crêpe fillings for lunch and dinner include smoked salmon, goat cheese, spinach and ricotta, chicken and roasted vegetables, breakfast c crêpes, Mediterranean style, and others.

You might also check out Retrospect Coffee Bar at 3709 La Branch, where you’ll find c crêpes named after legendary Texas women–like the Lady Bird which is made of sliced turkey and goat cheese, or the all-veggie Janis Joplin. Either one is a delight to pair with one of Retrospect’s excellent espressos or a cup of java from roasters and vendors sourced as close to home as possible.

Come on out to Midtown Houston and enjoy a magical meal with an international flare!

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