There is no shortage of culture in Midtown. The community is home to over 90 cultural arts organizations including theaters, galleries, music venues, dance studios and creative businesses who are vested in the community and historically prominent to Houston. In addition to arts organizations, Midtown is also known as one of Houston’s best culinary destinations with more than 30 chef-owned restaurants. Midtown celebrates this creative culture by sponsoring art projects such as Eyeful Art Murals and Designs’ mural “Preservons La Creation,” the largest Mural in Houston, and by hosting Art in the Park an annual art event that draws approximately 5000 visitors a year.
As authorized by H.B. 2208 of the 79th Legislature, the Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) designates cultural districts in cities across Texas through a competitive application process. Cultural districts are special zones that harness the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization. These districts can become focal points for generating businesses, attracting tourists, stimulating cultural development and fostering civic pride.
The Cultural District designation does not come with funding, but qualifies the district and nonprofit groups within it to apply for state and national project grants. To receive grant funding, a strategic plan is preferred so that funders can see how the project fits into the overall vision. The strategic plan must articulate how each strategy recommendation fits into the overall vision and furthers community-supported goals.
The purpose of the Cultural Arts Master Plan (CAMP) is to engage Midtown and the applicable community in creating a 10-year cultural arts strategic plan. The CAMP will be used as a guide in strategic decision-making over the course of its 10-year relevance. The process will allow Midtown to define what the Cultural Arts & Entertainment District designation means in the context of local resources, energy, and vision.
Identify partnerships
CAMP will identify key organizations that can assist Midtown in leveraging state, federal, and local funding to maintain the Cultural Arts District Designation.
Guide capital improvements
CAMP will suggest a framework plan for locating future cultural art investment and a set of guidelines for selecting artwork.
Propose policy changes
CAMP will recommend changes to the District policy in order to establish a sustainable protocol for managing, maintaining, and funding cultural art within Midtown.
At the beginning of the project, the team identified four goals derived from the previous planning efforts and input from the client team, arts organizations and the community. The goals were validated and confi rmed by participants of the CAMP Vision Workshop.
Develop a management structure for implementing and maintaining midtown’s cultural arts and entertainment district designation.
Ensure that cultural arts and entertainment is inclusive of all forms of expression and includes diverse programs, policies and projects that are accessible to all.
Support and strengthen existing cultural art venues and amenities.
Inspire creativity in the public realm.
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