Interact with Rodeo-themed Artwork in Midtown Houston

Each year during Rodeo Houston, the Texas Independence Trail Ride makes its way through Midtown Houston, going down Gray St. and stopping in front of Bagby Park located at 415 Gray St. The trail ride is a Houston tradition that began more than 60 years ago when men traveled on horseback from Brenham, Texas to raise awareness of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™. Today, more than 2,000 trail riders partake in the Rodeo’s signature tradition each year and we’re proud to be a part of this annual, history-making voyage.

See Rodeo Houston Come to Life in Interactive Art Installation

This year, the iconic Midtown letters at Bagby Park are wrapped in a Texas-themed design as an homage to the riders and the state. The colorful, public art installation includes our state wildflower, bluebonnets, as a reminder that we’re currently in their season of blossoming. It also includes portraits of riders and other symbols of the unique fashion, culture, and historical significance of the rodeo that’s celebrated for three weeks each spring in Houston. 

Stop By Before it’s Too Late

While food, fun, and entertainment are usually at the forefront of everyone’s mind during Rodeo season, the Midtown installation offers this year’s participants an invaluable representation of Texan history. The installation is open to the public in front of Bagby Park from 8 AM to 9 PM until March 19th. Visitors are highly encouraged to take photos and tag us. The opportunity to enjoy this very Texas mural is essential to completing your 2023 Houston Rodeo experience!  


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