Meet one of the builders helping to solve housing inequality in Houston’s Greater Third Ward

Agape Development believes residents should be able to stay in the neighborhoods where they grew up. In this video, you will hear how they are making that happen by participating in the Midtown Redevelopment Authority/Center for Civic and Public Policy Improvement (CCPPI) affordable housing program in Houston’s Third Ward.

Think you might qualify for this program? Contact:

Agape Development: https://www.agapedevelopment.org/housing

HBDI: http://www.hbdi.org/

Mayberry Homes: https://mayberryhomes.net/

Cole Klein Builders: https://www.colekleinbuilders.com/

CCPPI: https://ccppi.org/site/initiatives/af…

Houston Area Urban League: https://www.haul.org/

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