Midtown Park Wins The 2020 ULI Houston Development of Distinction Award and The People’s Choice Award

Midtown Park Wins The 2020 ULI Houston Development of Distinction Award and The People’s Choice Award

Houston, TX, February 6, 2020 – On Tuesday, February 4th, the Houston District Council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI Houston) hosted the 2020 Development of Distinction awards ceremony. Midtown Park, the destination park in Midtown Houston was the Winner of the Development of Distinction and the People’s Choice Award, an honor that served as a reminder of the importance of creating green spaces with park users in mind.

ULI Houston recognizes projects that demonstrate best practices in design, construction, economic viability, healthy places, and more, the awards are modeled after the national Urban Land Institute Global Awards for Excellence. 

2020 Award finalists were selected by a nomination panel of Houston real estate leaders. A jury of national real estate experts including Emma West, Partner at Bousfields Inc. in Toronto; Heidi Kimball, Senior Vice President at Sunbelt Holdings in Scottsdale; and Dan Govan, Associate at Allford Hall Monaghan Morris in Oklahoma City toured all finalists’ projects as part of the process of selecting winners.

“It feels affirming,” said Matt Thibodeaux, Executive Director of Midtown Houston. ”Being recognized by both the development community and park users makes me proud. It’s confirmation that the vision we had for the park; for it to be the central destination for people of all ages, has come to fruition.”

“What’s so unique about Midtown Park is that we took a fluid approach to design. We will continue to be malleable and make capital improvements based on public feedback, and park usage.” said Marlon Marshall, Director of Engineering and Construction at Midtown Houston. Marlon worked alongside the teams at Walter P. Morgan and Design Workshop to design and complete development of the park. 

Midtown Park is Midtown’s newest green space. In conjunction with Midtown Parks Conservancy (MPC) Midtown Park, has hosted an array of events with over 75,000 guests in attendance since opening in 2017. It’s quickly become one of the top outdoor special event spaces in Houston, hosting weddings, music festivals, culinary events, and community gatherings. 

Midtown Park offers three acres of park and open space with adjacent pedestrian-oriented streetscapes. The park’s larger greenspace – located on 2.5-acres south of Camden McGowen Station  – includes a lawn, a pavilion for flexible programming, a wetland stream and trail, native landscaping, interactive water feature, playground, public art, market areas, a dog park and a 400 space parking garage. 

Midtown Park is located at 2811  Travis Street. The Park has direct access to the METRORail at McGowen, and BCycle Stations and Zipcar locations. 

To schedule interviews contact Ashley Small at [email protected]or 281-827-3419.



 About Midtown Houston

Midtown Houston is comprised of three organizations; Midtown Redevelopment Authority / Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2, Midtown Management District and Midtown Parks Conservancy. The organizations share a common vision of shaping Midtown into a thriving, pedestrian-friendly, “new urban” community beyond the ability of individual property owners or businesses within the district. Midtown Houston holds the Texas Commission on the Arts Cultural Arts and Entertainment District accreditation.


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