resident information

report a concern

Midtown Houston has implemented a web tool known as SeeClickFix.  This tool allows citizens to report non-emergency neighborhood issues, which are communicated to local government.  Use the app to report issues such as:

You have the option to upload a photo with each service request, as a visual reference to help communicate the issue.  Customer service requests are routed to Midtown staff to help answer your questions and provide solutions.

Please continue to send all public safety concerns directly to law enforcement officials instead of reporting them through SeeClickFix.


Spot a problem? Make it disappear with SeeClickFix! From wayward trash cans to pesky graffiti, just snap a pic and send it our way. It's super easy, and your report helps keep our community clean and safe. Let’s fix it together!

Please continue to send all crime and public safety concerns to law enforcement instead of SeeClickFix.

SeeClickFix is available for download as an app on the following platforms:

How to Use SeeClickFix

The portal allows you to make service requests via your computer or smartphone. To report an issue:

  1. Make sure the report tab is selected.
  2. Type in the specific address or drag the map marker to the location on the map.
  3. Click next.
  4. Use the drop-down menu to choose a service request category that matches the issue you are reporting.
  5. Enter a title (required), additional description (optional) and attach a photo (optional).
  6. Click submit.

The Midtown Management District staff responds to Midtown SeeClickFix requests during regular business hours. If this report comes in on a holiday, weekend or after-hours, it will be read on the next business day.

Please be advised: The Midtown Management District SeeClickFix App is NOT to be used for emergencies. For urgent matters, that require immediate attention or a police response, call 9-1-1.

Once you have sent a report, you will receive email communication acknowledging your service request. You can continue to check on the status of the issue online. Once the work is complete or the issue has been resolved, you will be notified by email as well.

To learn more about SeeClickFix please visit

For technical support with the SeeClickFix platform (web or mobile), please email them directly.

pay assessment

All commercial and residential property owners within the Midtown Management District contribute an annual assessment to fund various services and improvements. These services and improvements include public safety, urban planning, landscaping, maintenance, cultural arts, marketing, economic development, infrastructure upgrades, and district administration. The district’s 10-year service and improvement and assessment plans are available [here]. Each October, the Board sets the annual assessment rate, which for the 2025 tax year was $0.1181 per $100 of property valuation. This rate has remained unchanged since 2004.
Important Dates in the Midtown Annual Assessment Cycle are as follows:
  • Levy Date: Annually October 1st or as soon thereafter as practicable
  • Lien Date: Annually January 1st
  • Due Date: Not later than January 1st of each year
  • Delinquent Date: February 1st, of each year at which time the owner is liable for penalty and interest
For FY 2024 our assessor collector, Equi-Tax, Inc. reports the following:
  • Average taxable value for a multi-family property in Midtown was $12,694,721.

  • Average annual assessment for a multi-family property was $ 14,992.47.

  • Average taxable value for a commercial property in Midtown was $2,199,285.

  • Average annual assessment for a commercial property was $ 2,597.36.

  • Average taxable value for a single family residential homesteaded property in Midtown was $304,300.

  • Average annual assessment for a residential homesteaded property was $359.38.

* – Information provided by Equi-Tax, Inc.

Want to pay your assessment online? Visit Equi-Tax at

Be aware that if you pay online by credit/debit card Equi-Tax will charge a customary credit card fee.

helpful numbers

  • Emergency Calls
  • 911
  • Non-Emergency Houston Service Center (broken traffic signals, potholes, broken curbs, water leaks, etc.)
  • 311
  • Midtown Redevelopment Authority
  • 713.526.7577
  • Midtown Management District
  • 713.526.7577
  • Midtown Parks Conservancy
  • 713.526.7577
  • Public Works
  • 832.395.2500
  • Solid Waste
  • 832.393.0485
  • Illegal Dumping
  • 311
  • Code Violations
  • 311
  • CenterPoint Energy
  • 713.207.2222
  • Mayors Citizens Assistance
  • 713.697.9221
  • 713.635.4000
  • HPD Non-Emergency
  • 713.884.3131
  • Central HPD Station
  • 713.247.4400
  • South Central HPD Station
  • 832.394.0200
  • HFD Station 7
  • 832.394.6700
  • Harris County Constable Precinct 7 Dispatch
  • 713.643.6602
  • S.E.A.L. Security Solutions, LLC Dispatch
  • 832.900.7700
  • CrimeStoppers
  • 713.222.8477
  • Poison Control
  • 800.222.1222
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