Part 6 – Affordable Housing in Houston’s Greater Third Ward

Vanessa Hodder describes owning her own home in Houston’s inner city as a dream come true. It’s a place where she feels safe and secure. In Part 6 of our series about the affordable housing program offered by the Midtown Redevelopment Authority and the Center for Civic and Public Policy Improvement, Vanessa explains how the […]

How Can I Qualify to Buy an Affordable Home?

  From the beginning, Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) and Center for Civic & Public Policy Improvement (CCPPI) have been committed to making the dream of an affordable, safe, well-constructed home possible for Houstonians who have difficulty making this a reality. There is a desire for these homes to go to long-time residents, so the rich […]

Midtown Redefines How Affordable Housing Needs are Met

(photo by Cole Klein Builders)   Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) and the Center for Civic and Public Policy Improvement (CCPPI) are setting a new standard in Houston for economic, community and housing development with their 100 Homes Initiative in the OST/South Union Center neighborhood. For years, the approach to affordable housing has been to scatter homes […]

Houston’s Third Ward, a Tale of Then and Now

Sit down for a cup of coffee and conversation with Algenita Scott Davis and you will learn a lot about the rich history of Houston’s Third Ward. You will also hear her strong confidence about the neighborhood’s future.   Davis is the housing program manager for the Center for Civic and Public Policy Improvement, a nonprofit […]

500 Affordable Homes Built, 500 More Planned in Central Houston

(photo by Cole Klein Builders) Imagine new single-family homes with price tags below $200,000 and senior housing with rent as low as $300 a month plus on-site access to health care. Then add in some affordable townhomes, duplexes, and apartments within walking distance of public transportation and nearby jobs. If you think this sounds like […]

Midtown Develops Affordable Housing in Southeast Houston & Third Ward

(photo courtesy of  Cole Klein Builders) There is a trend in the lack of affordability in urban areas and in particular in the inner cities of places like Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia. In major cities across the country, home ownership and rental costs have escalated substantially, driving people to the suburbs or outside […]

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