Stay Iced Up at the Official Pre Party of the Texas AdvoCare Kickoff in Bagby Park

We “Stay Iced Up,” with local legend Paul Wall’s classic Heart of a Champion album as the central theme of the free Bud Light “Party in the Park” concert and Rico’s happy hour scheduled for Friday, September 2, 2016 in @midtownHOU’s @BagbyPark, located at 415 Gray St. While we rarely require an excuse to party in @MidtownHOU, this is a celebration […]
Ready to Kick Brass, the Bayou City Brass Band Delivers a Rocking Good Time

“Brass on the Grass” Summer Series at Bagby Park Will Thomas had his image of jazz musicians shaped by his influential father Bubbha Thomas, a five-time Grammy nominated drummer who founded the Houston International Jazz Festival, August Jazz Month, and the Summer Jazz Workshop. When Thomas thinks of jazz, he visualizes the quiet cool many […]
Midtown Continues to Thrive As a Beacon of New Urbanism

For all the wonderment that Midtown embodies, from the explosive growth of businesses, idyllic expanses of green space…
Midtown Wine Down Offers Blend of Arts, Scene and Entertainment

HOUSTON – Emblematic of its standing as a leader in new urbanism, Midtown Houston will host Midtown Wine Down on March 4 at Bagby Park (415 Gray St. at Bagby St.), providing residents of Midtown and beyond a wondrous opportunity to sample the enticing mix of contemporary cultural arts and aesthetic beauty unique to Midtown. […]
Midtown- A Cultural Arts & Entertainment District

The Texas Commission on the Arts has designated the Midtown Cultural Arts and Entertainment District…