right in the middle of it all
Midtown Houston is a model of urban living in the center of Houston. Residents, businesses, and visitors enjoy a sustainable, walkable community with a thriving arts and entertainment scene and green oases. Since 2012, Midtown Houston has experienced 50% population growth with almost 10,000 Houstonians now calling it home. It has also been the site of nationally-awarded development, including Federal Transportation Agency recognition and the Presidential Award of
Excellence in Design and Implementation. In addition, in 2012 Midtown Houston was awarded the Texas Commission on the Arts’ Cultural Arts and Entertainment Designation, a first for a management district in the state. The neighborhood is a focal point for harnessing the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization. Explore what makes Houston Midtown a great place to live, work, and play. We’re right in the middle of it all!