Get fit and have fun in Midtown Houston Parks


Yes, the rare snow in Houston was pretty while it lasted, but now it’s time to take off your boots, put on some kicks, and get moving. You know what your New Year’s resolution was, right? Get fit, get strong, get active, meet new people –– does any of that sound familiar?

In Midtown Houston, there’s always something fun and exciting happening in one of our parks––Midtown Park, Bagby Park, Elizabeth Baldwin Park, or Elizabeth Glover Park––that beckons you to join in and get active as the weather warms up.

Every Midtown Houston park has its own unique activities to mark on your calendar. Why sleep late when you can get your juices flowing at Midtown in Motion, 9:30 a.m., Saturday, January 27 in Bagby Park, 415 Gray Street? Roz Jones will conduct both High Intensity Interval Training, followed by Yoga Flow for people of all fitness levels. And you can register to win gift cards from Midtown Houston businesses.

Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. you can Zumba in Midtown Park at 2811 Travis Street.  There’s also a morning class coming up on Saturday, February 3rd at 10 a.m. Samba and Forro dance classes in Midtown Park are at 7 p.m., Thursday, February 8.

The Brazilian Arts Foundation provides instructors for the Samba and Forro classes and also offers classes in Capoeira for adults, families, and kids. Capoeira is a unique way of moving that incorporates martial arts, dance, and acrobatics in one activity. The next Capoeira Class and Circle will be held at 7 p.m., Friday, February 8 in Midtown Park, but watch our calendar for other Capoeira events.

Got a pet who likes to get out and go places with you? Yappy Hour is a free, pet-friendly happy hour open to everyone. This puppy playdate is a great way to meet fellow dog lovers, get treats from Urban Tails, and win prizes.  Bring Rover and join us at 4:30 p.m. in Bagby Park on Friday, January 26, or at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, January 27 in Elizabeth Glover Park, 3104 Austin Street.

Whichever activity or Midtown Houston park you choose, you’re bound to have a good time getting fit!

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