Take the Midtown Parks and Open Space Survey

We want to hear from you! 

The Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) is seeking input for an update to the Midtown Parks and Public Space Master Plan. This follows the completion of the 2022 Midtown Capital Improvements Plan Survey, in which most respondents indicated that parks and public spaces, such as the streets and sidewalks in the neighborhood, are the top items needing more attention and investment.

MRA completed its last parks master plan in 2011. It has served us well, but it is time to take a fresh look at what we are doing so we are better able to meet the changing needs of everyone who lives, works, and plays in Midtown Houston.

Where we are

Currently, there are 22 parks within a ¼ mile of Midtown, and eleven of those parks are within MRA’s boundaries. 

Most Midtown residents are within a five-minute walk of at least one park. It is due to this ease of access, resulting from the street and pedestrian enhancements MRA has made in the last decade, that the neighborhood has a walkability score of 87 out of 100. Still, there is room for improvement, especially along the eastern edge of the neighborhood near the Pierce Elevated, an area underserved by park and cultural amenities.

How you can help

“This is not just about adding more greenspace,” said Lionheart Places LLC CEO Rebecca Leonard, whose firm is leading the master plan process for MRA “This is also about designing and programming Midtown’s parks and public space to reflect the neighborhood’s culture, diversity, and innovative spirit.”

So, what do you want Midtown’s parks to look like, and what types of parks programming are important to you? Would you like to see more art, enhanced safety, and attention to sustainability? What about improved wi-fi access? Maybe your list of park essentials includes more wildlife habitats, more shade trees, and better drainage. Whatever your priorities, this is your opportunity to speak up and help guide our decisions on park improvements for years to come.

Take the survey

Find out more information about the Midtown Parks and Public Space Master Plan Project here. To take our survey, use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code to the right or click here for a direct link.

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