Market Information / Demographics


    [demo icon=”people” color=”#52BA68″ number=”7,981″ title=”Population” /]
    [demo icon=”house” color=”#22975A” number=”4,389″ title=”Households” /]
    [demo icon=”growth” color=”#4C9FD7″ number=”50%” title=”population growth 2000-2012″ /]
    [demo icon=”family” color=”#004C91″ number=”25%” title=”Family households” /]
    [demo icon=”school” color=”#002395″ number=”69%” title=”Bachelor’s or Higher Degree” /]
    [demo icon=”money” color=”#E8CD05″ number=”$70,829″ title=”Median Household Income in 2012″ /]
    [demo icon=”finance” color=”#E09D0A” number=”$242,804″ title=”Median Housing Value” /]


    *The main source for Midtown demographic data is the U.S. Census Bureau/American Community Survey.  The Planning and Development Department has aggregated the block and block group census data by different Houston super neighborhoods.  The demographic and other related data can be accessed from